
The event is held in KAMK’s Tieto 2 building. Kuva: Juha Neuvonen / Arkisto

International KAMK students organize an event for foreigners living in Kajaani

The students of Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK) will organize an event for foreigners living in Kajaani. The event is planned and carried out in collaboration with the city’s International Info team.

– The main goal of the event is to make international people here in Kajaani feel better living here and to show them what is happening here, says Dmitrii Shvarts, one of the students organizing the event.

According to Shvarts, in the event international people can get to know each other and do things together. People can also tell others about their home countries and cultures. In addition, at the event foreigners can get information about Kajaani, city’s services and local organizations.

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– For international students getting information about things is pretty easy. But for people who come to work here, finding information can be harder, Shvarts says.

Shvarts who is from Russia, is a third-year student at KAMK. He is studying in the International Business -program. Shvarts tells that organizing an event is one of the main tasks in their studies.

Shvarts reminds that even though the event is targeted for foreigners, there is a lot to do for Finnish people also. The event is expected to have some games and activities, booths of some local associations and pop-up food stands, and a cultural fashion show. The event is free of charge and, anyone interested is welcome to come.

– I hope that we have lots of visitors on Friday. Our goal is that we have at least a hundred visitors at the event.

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International event

Students from Kajaani University of Applied Sciences are working in collaboration with the city’s International Info team to plan an event for foreigners in Kajaani.

This will be held on November 17, 2023 15–18.00 at KAMK’s Tieto 2, Fox Mamselli, Ketunpolku 1, 87100 Kajaani.

The event is created for international students, immigrants, expatriates, and refugees to get to know some of the local associations and services within the city. Furthermore, this is an opportunity for foreigners to meet and socialize with one another.

The event is free of charge and anyone interested is welcome.

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